
Image of US Flag Torn in Half Like A Broken Boat on the Ocean

Why the U.S. Is Uniquely Divided: Engaging a Scholar from New Zealand

My last column for BNG, “Covid Wars,” offered a lament over our divided nation. It did not propose solutions, only sorrow and grief. Of course, we must do better than that. We must try to understand how we got here and figure out what we can do about it, if anything. After my piece posted, I […]

Why the U.S. Is Uniquely Divided: Engaging a Scholar from New Zealand

breaking bread

On the Collapse of Christianity into Politics

A friend sent me this piece in Salon, posted under the provocative title, “How Evangelicals Abandoned Christianity and Became ‘Conservatives’ Instead.” I was not familiar with the author, Nathaniel Manderson, who identifies himself as an evangelical pastor trained at a conservative seminary but guided by liberal ideals. Manderson’s article basically argues that under the leadership of 40 years

On the Collapse of Christianity into Politics

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