
Angry Conservative Congresspersons

When Christianity Becomes Toxic ‘Christianism’

Many people appear baffled about the hard-right turn in U.S. conservative religion. It’s not just a turn to politics, or to hard-right politics, that is problematic. It is the apparent amorality, the cruelty, bigotry and snarling spirit that is so impossible to reconcile with the Spirit of Christ. It’s the nasty cast of characters who are […]

When Christianity Becomes Toxic ‘Christianism’

Southern Baptist Conv RNS photo

Southern Baptists, Sex Abuse, and Systemic Evil

Having abandoned the denomination in which I was converted over forty years ago, I am not a part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), whose moral credibility has just been torn to shreds by the devastating Guidepost Solutions report on twenty years of SBC Executive Committee (EC) mishandling of sexual abuse allegations in SBC churches. But I

Southern Baptists, Sex Abuse, and Systemic Evil

graphic of an eroding mind

The Deconstruction of American Evangelicalism

We are witnessing at this moment the intellectual deconstruction of a religious group that has been called “evangelicalism.” Illusions about this community are being destroyed left and right. Of course, those illusions first eroded in practice, through the contradictions and failures of U.S. white evangelicalism itself. Today, however, the intellectual underpinnings of evangelicalism are being deconstructed

The Deconstruction of American Evangelicalism

Image of US Flag Torn in Half Like A Broken Boat on the Ocean

Why the U.S. Is Uniquely Divided: Engaging a Scholar from New Zealand

My last column for BNG, “Covid Wars,” offered a lament over our divided nation. It did not propose solutions, only sorrow and grief. Of course, we must do better than that. We must try to understand how we got here and figure out what we can do about it, if anything. After my piece posted, I

Why the U.S. Is Uniquely Divided: Engaging a Scholar from New Zealand

angry person with American flag

White hysteria, Critical Race Theory, and eyes that dare not see

The hysteria over Critical Race Theory right now means many things. Most immediately, it means that the relationship between skilled right-wing demagogues and their audience in the U.S. these days is positively Pavlovian. Stimulus-response, stimulus-response, rinse and repeat. If Tucker Carlson says over several nights on Fox News that Critical Race Theory is a huge threat

White hysteria, Critical Race Theory, and eyes that dare not see

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