David Gushee

Good Samaritan painting

History Shows the View Is Best from the Margins

Friends, today is International Holocaust Memorial Day. The Holocaust must never be forgotten. This was not just an eruption of hatred against the Jews by the Nazi regime. It was a systematic government-sponsored genocide, and one that found willing collaborators all across (Christian) Europe — along with a heroic minority of resisters and rescuers. We

History Shows the View Is Best from the Margins

a cancelled calendar

New Year’s Resolutions When You Can’t Count on Anything Except COVID

I am an old-school calendar guy. While I do use an Outlook calendar, my default calendar is a monthly planner. I use a color-coding system to write events on the calendar and tasks on the “Notes” column on the side. I am looking at my December 2021 calendar. It has been shot to hell by cancellations

New Year’s Resolutions When You Can’t Count on Anything Except COVID

Ancient painting of Jesus and the nativity

Christ Came to Make Us Truly Human: Social Ethics and the Image of Christ

Dietrich Bonhoeffer always brings me up short when he emphasizes the indicative rather than imperative voice in Paul’s thought and in Christian ethics more broadly. For example, in terms of Bonhoeffer’s work on image Christology, he emphasizes that the work of Christ in restoring the image of God in humanity is an accomplished fact, a reality

Christ Came to Make Us Truly Human: Social Ethics and the Image of Christ

stained glass church window

Christ Came to Make Us Truly Human: Remade in the Image of Christ

This is the second in a three-week Advent series. In six places in the New Testament, five of them in the (probable) writings of Paul, the image of God is reinterpreted in light of Jesus Christ. The imago dei becomes the imago Christi. This Pauline theme is sometimes called “image Christology.” It takes us closer to our exploration of

Christ Came to Make Us Truly Human: Remade in the Image of Christ

Old Painting of the Nativity

Christ Came to Make Us Truly Human: Human Sinfulness and the Image of God

Advent is upon us, and in my house, at least, we are already awash in Christmas decorations, music and movies. The peppermint bark candy is already on hand. The Christmas plates, cups and glasses are out. Our tree was up by Nov. 29! My wife, Jeanie, does Christmas right. At Catholic Mass on the first Sunday of

Christ Came to Make Us Truly Human: Human Sinfulness and the Image of God

graphic of an eroding mind

The Deconstruction of American Evangelicalism

We are witnessing at this moment the intellectual deconstruction of a religious group that has been called “evangelicalism.” Illusions about this community are being destroyed left and right. Of course, those illusions first eroded in practice, through the contradictions and failures of U.S. white evangelicalism itself. Today, however, the intellectual underpinnings of evangelicalism are being deconstructed

The Deconstruction of American Evangelicalism

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