David Gushee

drawing of the birth of Jesus

How I Am Believing in the Christmas Story This Year

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23) It is a commonplace observation of mainstream historical-critical New Testament scholars that the accounts of Jesus’ birth contain historically questionable and even fantastical elements. For those whose […]

How I Am Believing in the Christmas Story This Year

purple image

The Unsolvable Political Problem Facing Those Who Lead Purple Churches

The United States is bitterly divided along what we now call red/blue, conservative/liberal, Republican/Democrat lines. Of course, not everyone fits into those boxes, but enough do for the statement to be accurate. The mutual suspicion and social separation between the two camps is intensifying. As we prepare for the midterm elections and we see so many

The Unsolvable Political Problem Facing Those Who Lead Purple Churches

man with bullhorn

‘Radical New Arrangements’: On Conservative Christian Radicalization in the U.S.

After a year of researching the matter rather deeply — including listening to conservative scholars, activists and politicians — it has become completely clear to me that a significant chunk of conservative Christians in the United States has moved from political disenchantment to a full-on radicalization that threatens our democracy. I am not just talking about

‘Radical New Arrangements’: On Conservative Christian Radicalization in the U.S.

image of president Reagan

What Happened to American Conservatism? Engaging Matthew Continetti’s The Right

It is always valuable to engage the other side. Especially when one finds the other side utterly bewildering. The other side I am trying to engage is American political conservatism. My guide today is Matthew Continetti, a brilliant conservative policy wonk with all the “right” credentials — a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, columnist for Commentary magazine,

What Happened to American Conservatism? Engaging Matthew Continetti’s The Right

Angry Conservative Congresspersons

When Christianity Becomes Toxic ‘Christianism’

Many people appear baffled about the hard-right turn in U.S. conservative religion. It’s not just a turn to politics, or to hard-right politics, that is problematic. It is the apparent amorality, the cruelty, bigotry and snarling spirit that is so impossible to reconcile with the Spirit of Christ. It’s the nasty cast of characters who are

When Christianity Becomes Toxic ‘Christianism’

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